Volunteer Driver Requirements:
1. Volunteer II Application
2. Completed TB Risk Assessment (To be completed by licensed physician) or Waiver signed by your doctor.
3. FBI and DOJ fingerprint clearance
4. Copy of Driver’s License
5. Official Driver License Report (Print out now accepted)
6. Insurance Policy Declaration Page (See Liability Requirements Below)
7. Current vehicle registration
8. Volunteer Driver Information Sheet and Declaration
Proof of Liability Insurance Coverage Requirements:
$100,000 for each person, $300,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and $25,000 property damage coverage
Volunteer Driver Renewal Requirements:
Volunteer Drivers should include a Volunteer Information Update Form with their documentation.
1. Volunteer drivers need to provide an updated TB clearance every four (4) years.
2. Volunteer drivers need to submit the following documents annually:
Volunteer Coach Requirements:
1. Volunteer III Application
2. Completed TB Risk Assessment (To be completed by licensed physician)
3. FBI and DOJ fingerprint clearance
4. Completion of NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching Course: www.nfhslearn.com (general course)
5. Completion of NFHS Concussion in Sports Course: www.nfhslearn.com
6. Completion of NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest Course www.nfhslearn.com
7. CPR/First Aid training: must be a “live” class given by the American Red Cross
8. Read "Victory with Honor"
Volunteer Coach Renewal Requirements:
1. Volunteer coaches need to provide an updated TB clearance every four (4) years.
2. Volunteer coaches need to maintain current CPR/First-Aid certification (every 2 years).
Download Volunteer Forms Below:
Fingerprint Location:
CAL Live Scan
2855 Telegraph Ave. Suite 303
Berkeley, CA 94705
510-316-7828, 510-848-2989
$25.00 fee billed to district